Archives : Ressources

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MC Mehta c. Union indienne, OA n° 200 de 2014 (procédure en cours)

The following summary emphasizes portions of the National Green Tribunal (Tribunal)judgments and orders that address plastic pollution in the River Ganga. Through these ordersand many others, the Tribunal also imposed strict orders concerning industrial pollution,sewage treatment, waste disposal and other…

La forêt de mangrove : l'un des principaux environnements tropicaux menacés au monde

Study Number: 18 Author: I. Valiela, J. L. Bowen & J. K. York Abstract: “We collated and revised published information to review the status of mangrove swamps worldwide. To assess the status of this major coastal environment, we compiled and…

Cartographie des fonctions des écosystèmes pour la valorisation des services écosystémiques : implications des associations espèces-habitats pour les décisions d'utilisation des terres côtières

Study Number: 16 Author: J. N. Sanchirico & P. Mumby Abstract: Habitats and the ecosystem services they provide are part of the world’s portfolio of natural capital assets. Like many components of this portfolio, it is difficult to assess the…

La base écologique de la valeur économique de la production de fruits de mer soutenue par les écosystèmes de mangrove

Study Number: 59 Author: P. Ronnback Abstract: The undervaluation of natural products and ecological services generated by mangrove ecosystems is a major driving force behind the conversion of this system into alternative uses. This trend of undervaluation is partly due…