Meet Erick Kassongo from DRC
We are pleased to welcome Erick Kassongo, our first ELAW Fellow from the largest nation in Sub-Saharan Africa — the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
DRC is rich in natural resources, but has a troubled history of exploitation and natural resource extraction. Erick will be with us for two weeks, collaborating on his challenging work protecting communities and the environment.
Help us welcome Erick at an informal Brown Bag Lunch:
Tuesday, December 6
12 noon – 1 pm
1412 Pearl Street
Erick will give an informal talk followed by Q&A. Bring your lunch. ELAW will provide drinks.
Erick is President of the Centre Congolaise pour le Developpement Durable and a consultant with Conseil National des ONG de Développement de la République Démocratique du Congo, DRC’s largest network of NGOs.
Erick represents community organizations in a stakeholders’ committee set up by the state to address issues related to the construction of the Grand Inga Hydro project – the world’s largest hydroelectric scheme, which is proposed for the Congo River in the DRC.
Erick is also working to protect the climate, and ensure that mining and logging operations do not devastate local communities.
We hope to see you Tuesday!
Please RSVP to by 5 pm on Monday, December 5.
Maggie Keenan
Communications Director
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide
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