Taking on Coal with ELAW Fellow Laura Haiselova

Please join us in welcoming ELAW Fellow Laura Haiselova. Laura is an attorney on the Responsible Energy team at ELAW’s partner organization, Frank Bold, based in Brno, Czech Republic.
Laura arrives in Eugene today and will be with us for several weeks to collaborate on work to clean up some of Europe’s most polluting coal-fired power plants.
Laura began her ELAW Fellowship earlier this week in New York City, joining ELAW Staff Scientist Dr. Mark Chernaik at this year’s Institute for Energy Economics and Financial Analysis Conference.
Laura’s ELAW Fellowship will include one-on-one meetings with ELAW staff, a public presentation in our Global Community Conversation series, and tours of renewable energy facilities.
Many thanks to the Trust for Mutual Understand for making Laura’s ELAW Fellowship possible.
Maggie Keenan
ELAW Communications Director
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide