St. Lucia: Select plastic laws
Styrofoam and Plastic Food Service Containers (Prohibition) Act, 2019
This law creates a phased approach to banning import, manufacture, sale, and distribution of listed Styrofoam or plastic food service containers. Id., Arts. 5-7.
Food businesses must report on measures planned to reduce us of Styrofoam and plastic food service containers. Id., Art. 8.
The law declares that imported styrofoam or plastic food service containers “must be disposed by export of the styrofoam or plastic food service container to the country of origin.” Id., Art. 10(2). Burning these containers is prohibited. Id., Art. 10(3).
In addition to disposable hinged food containers, utensils, trays, stirrers, etc., this law applies Styrofoam egg cartons. Id., Schedule, Part B.
The law exempts bags for several designated uses and other items including plastic beverage containers addressed in a separate law governing management of containers. Id., Art. 4.