Chile: Select plastic laws

Prohíbe la Entrega de Bolsas Plásticas de Comercio en Todo el Territorio Nacional, Ley No. 21.100 (2018). (“bolsas plásticas de comercio”)

Prohíbe la Entrega de Bolsas Plásticas de Comercio en Todo el Territorio Nacional, Ley No. 21.100 (2018)

The law’s objective is to protect the environment by prohibiting the distribution of plastic shopping bags. Art. 1 [“La presente ley tiene por objeto proteger el medio ambiente medianted la prohibicion de entrega de bolsas plasticas de commercio.”]

The law prohibits commercial establishments from distributing plastic bags of commerce (“bolsas plásticas de comercio”) which are defined as plastic bags used by commercial establishments for the transport of merchandise; or for bags used to deliver merchandise to the final customer in e-commerce (“[b]olsa plástica que es entregada por un establecimiento de comercio para el transporte de mercaderías o, en el caso de compras realizadas por medios electrónicos, bolsa para el transporte de mercaderías que es entregada al consumidor final.”) Arts. 3 and 2(c).

Plastic bags used as food containers are excluded from the ban. Art. 3.

In determining the fine for a violation, the number of bags distributed, earlier conduct by the violator, and the economic capacity of the violator will be considered. Art. 6.

Finally, the Minister of Environment must implement environmental education programs addressing the use of plastic shopping bags and their impact on ecosystems. The education programs must also address reuse and recycling. Art. 7.