Reflecting on World Ocean Day

ELAW’s Marine Working Group is delighted to celebrate World Ocean Day 2021.
Two years ago, we launched the Marine Working Group to facilitate the interests and actions of all ELAW Marine Working Group partners and to elevate the profile of legal strategies for marine conservation around the world.
We are now more than 65 advocates strong, representing 25 countries. Marine Working Group partners are involved in many facets of marine and coastal work including challenging water pollution in the Mediterranean Sea; cleaning up rivers that are dumping plastic, industrial pollution, and sewage waste into the coastal waters of Liberia; creating opportunities for fisherwomen in Costa Rica; and building inspiring examples of restoration in Canada. In India, our partners are focused on sea level rise and the threats of climate change to communities living in the Sundarbans. In Guyana, they are challenging offshore oil extraction. In Colombia, they are strengthening the connections between ocean protection and human rights.
Below, we highlight this work of our partners through videos they have produced. Please enjoy these inspiring vignettes.

Happy Ocean Day from ELAW’s Marine Working Group!
For the Ocean,

Alejandra Serrano and Heidi Weiskel
Marine Working Group Co-facilitators
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide