Protecting whales and more with ELAW Fellow Natasha Lisitcyna

We are thrilled to welcome ELAW Fellow Natasha Lisitcyna from Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East.
Natasha is a lawyer at Sakhalin Environment Watch. She will be here this summer to collaborate on work to protect killer whales and belugas, defend the Arctic from oil spills, and protect salmon spawning grounds from polluting gold mining operations.
Her organization played a critical role in a recent victory freeing whales from “whale jail” where they were locked up in a scheme to sell whales to China for marine parks.
Natasha’s ELAW Fellowship will include one-on-one meetings with ELAW staff, field trips in the Pacific Northwest, and English study at the University of Oregon American English Institute (AEI) where she has been awarded a Director’s Distinction Scholarship.
Many thanks to the Trust for Mutual Understanding and AEI for making Natasha’s ELAW Fellowship possible.
Maggie Keenan
Communications Director
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide