Protecting the Environment Through Music in the Dominican Republic

ELAW partners in the Dominican Republic are using a novel approach to protect the natural beauty of their Caribbean nation.

This week, the Institute of Lawyers for the Protection of the Environment (INSAPROMA) launched the Environmental Education Campaign with Musical Rhythm, with popular singers donating songs with environmental themes.

“The idea was born from the need to create a culture of environmental protection, reaching the deepest of people’s feelings, using music as an ideal means of sensitization to penetrate the hearts of children, youth and adults,” says Euren Cuevas, Executive Director, INSAPROMA.

The campaign features songs by five Dominican singers, including Latin Grammy nominee Ramón Orlando and famous merengue singer Fernando Villalona.

Visit the INSAPROMA website to preview and download songs.  All proceeds support INSAPROMA’s work with local communities to protect natural resources and repair environmental damage.

For more information, see:
Artists and Environmental Organizations Launch Environmental Education Campaign

Krista Shennum
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide (ELAW)

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