Marine Justice: For the Ocean, For the People

Our ocean faces increasing threats from aquaculture, overfishing, pollution, acidification, increased storminess, oil and gas exploitation, and deep-sea mining. False solutions for carbon drawdown compound the damages to ecosystems. Management strategies impacting all these activities often leave local communities out of the decision-making process.

In honor of World Ocean Day, ELAW’s Marine Working Group invites you to a panel discussion: Marine Justice: For the Ocean, For the People. Together, we will explore international work to strengthen legal initiatives that help communities participate in decisions about shared marine ecosystems and resources.

Stemming from the environmental justice movement, the concept of Marine Justice has arisen to ensure that coastal communities and vulnerable populations can participate in decisions impacting marine ecosystems and that we prioritize solutions that don’t aggravate existing injustices.

ELAW Attorney Alejandra Serrano Pavón and ELAW Scientist Dr. Heidi Weiskel will facilitate a panel discussion among Marine Working Group members from Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, and Uruguay to explore the concept of Marine Justice as it applies to their work. They will also discuss the principle of the Common Heritage of Mankind, codified in the UN Law of the Sea to protect the seabed as a resource shared by all.

Please join our conversation as we learn to catalyze Marine Justice and surface solutions for protecting our shared heritage in the ocean.

The event will be in Spanish, with interpretation available in English and French.

Karen Guillory
Outreach Coordinator, ELAW

Recordings Available

Please find recordings of this webinar below!