Local and Global Climate Solutions

The damage that humans are doing to the global climate may be one of the gravest injustices of all time. ELAW is working with partners around the world to fight for climate justice.
Next month, ELAW will convene locals who are working to protect the climate to share local and global climate solutions.
Wednesday, October 24
6 to 8:30 p.m.
Temple Beth Israel
1175 E 29th Ave., Eugene
Hear from local experts, including ELAW Staff Attorney Jen Gleason, Temple Beth Israel Rabbi Ruhi Sophia Motzkin Rubenstein, Our Children’s Trust Community Engagement Manager Coreal Riday-White, and 350 Eugene co-founders Patty Hine and Deb McGee.
Many thanks to Mountain Rose Herbs for making this event possible, and to Cafe Yumm for providing food.
Bern Johnson
Executive Director
Learn more about our work and how you can support ELAW by visiting our website, Facebook, and Twitter.