ELAW welcomes Paul Zepeda Castro from Honduras!
In recent weeks, thousands of Hondurans have taken to the streets, protesting the government’s alleged embezzlement of social security funds. Just days ago, Paul Zepeda Castro was part of the movement that has united Hondurans across the political spectrum. But for the next ten weeks, Paul is in Eugene as the 2015 Laurie Prosser and Xiaoli Jiang ELAW Fellow.
Paul is an attorney volunteering with the Instituto de Derecho Ambiental de Honduras (IDAMHO). ELAW has worked with IDAMHO for many years, and we are excited to support Paul’s efforts protecting the environment in Honduras. When he’s not in English class at the University of Oregon’s American English Institute, Paul will collaborate with ELAW on projects in Honduras, including protecting communities and the Mesoamerican Reef from illegal development projects.
“I am very happy to spend the summer with ELAW!” said Paul.
If you are interested in introducing Paul to any of Oregon’s exciting summer activities, or hosting him for a longer stay, please contact ELAW Community Outreach Coordinator Jackie Chimelewski, at jackie@elaw.org.
Thanks to Laurie Prosser and Xiaoli Jiang, the University of Oregon’s American English Institute, and the many ELAW supporters that made Paul’s Fellowship possible.
If you would like to learn more about our work and how you can support ELAW Fellows, visit our website, Facebook, and Twitter.
Ashley White
Director of Philanthropy and China Program
Environmental Law Alliance Worldwide