ELAW staff win Brower Award
We were surprised and thrilled Saturday night to learn that we were receiving the 2014 David Brower Lifetime Achievement Award. The students of Land Air Water, the organizers of the Public Interest Environmental Law Conference (PIELC), awarded us this high honor. We were so surprised, in fact, that we found ourselves speechless. Now, we want to thank the student organizers and the following people for inspiring us over the past 20 years:
David Brower was a guiding light for all of us. To be given an award with his name is the ultimate honor.
Public interest lawyers from 10 countries founded ELAW in 1989. We are indebted to the founding U.S. directors, John Bonine, Mike Axline, and Mary O’Brien for trusting us with their vision.
Our work at ELAW is a team effort. The most senior staff won this award, but our success would not be possible without the whole team, which includes: Jackie Chimelewski, Kalindi Devi-Dasi, Glenn Gillis, Maggie Keenan, Michele Kuhnle, Pedro Leon, Liz Mitchell, David Pugh, Heidi Weiskel, and Ashley White.
ELAW partners in 70 countries are standing up for the rights of communities. We are lucky and honored to be supporting their work.
We are humbled by this recognition.
Many thanks!
Bern Johnson, Executive Director
Lori Maddox, Associate Director
Mark Chernaik, Staff Scientist
Meche Lu, Staff Scientist
Jen Gleason, Staff Attorney