Disappointment Turns to Resolve
Dear Friends,
All of us at ELAW U.S. were disappointed by the results of the U.S. presidential election. Now, with strong support from our partners around the world, our disappointment is turning to resolve.
With Donald Trump in the White House, our work will be more challenging. He has called climate change a “hoax,” while we know it is a growing crisis and we must work toward solutions. He appears determined to drive people and nations apart, while we unite people across borders through a shared commitment to protecting our earth. He wants to weaken environmental laws in the U.S., while we are working with partners in 85 countries to strengthen and enforce legal protections for the environment.
In challenging times, we benefit from working with great partners all over the world. Many of our partners have experienced devastating political setbacks, as well as stunning victories. Since the election, they have lifted us up with messages of support and encouragement. They remind us that people all over the world are committed to working together to build a better, greener, and more just future.
The journey to a sustainable, just future is not always smooth. This election reminds us that powerful forces stand in the way, and we must be prepared to cross barriers and overcome setbacks.
All of us at ELAW U.S. will rededicate ourselves to our core work of building bridges across borders, strengthening the rule of law, advancing human rights, protecting the global climate, and building a sustainable future.
Indeed, that work may be more important than ever over the next four years.
Onward and upward!
Thank you for supporting our work.
Bern Johnson
ELAW Executive Director
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