Free Quetzal by Esteban Camacho Steffensen

About The Artist

Esteban Camacho Steffensen

Esteban Camacho Steffensen Quetzal painting

Free Quetzal

The banner image is a detailed excerpt from “Free Quetzal,” a mural project created for and with Latin American youth who are undocumented and are residing in the Senderos Unit of the Juvenile Detention Center in Portland, Oregon.

The original work is Acrylic on Canvas (4′ x 15′)
© 2012 Esteban Camacho Steffensen
Used with permission

Artist’s Vision Statement:
My art shows viewers how humans are still intricately connected to nature, despite the fact we often work against it or destroy it. I attempt to propose solutions and possible paths to return to a dynamic equilibrium with nature. My goal is to create images that give a sense of the constant flow, the give and take, the need to belong on Earth as a living link in a giant chain, which is always breaking and reconnecting itself.

Additional images of Esteban Camacho Steffensen’s work can be viewed at:

This project has been made possible by the generous support of the Philip Stoddard Brown and Adele Smith Brown Foundation