New Tool Makes Case for Mangrove Protection
Dear friends,
Mangroves play a critical role buffering coastal communities against flooding and storms and provide habitat for thousands of species of birds and marine animals. Recent evidence suggests that mangroves sequester carbon very effectively and healthy mangroves could help protect our climate.
Unfortunately, humans are destroying huge areas of mangroves and if we do not take action they may be functionally extinct by the turn of the century.
I am pleased to report on a new resource for protecting mangroves:
ELAW Mangrove Science Database.
Dr. Heidi Weiskel, ELAW Staff Scientist, worked closely with David Pugh, ELAW Web Designer, to ensure that key research on mangroves, published by more than 75 scientists, is included in this comprehensive resource for citizens worldwide.
We have summarized each scientific study in our Mangrove Science Database in English and Spanish. We have plotted research on specific mangrove forests on a world map. As new studies are completed, we will add them to the database. Our user-friendly tool will help communities and grassroots advocates around the world make the case to protect mangroves. I encourage you to visit the ELAW Mangrove Science Database and share it with your colleagues.
Thank you!
All the best,
Maggie Keenan
Communications Director