Protecting the Climate in Ukraine

EPL Summer School, June 2017

Every year, ELAW partners at Environment People Law (EPL) in Ukraine travel to the Carpathian Mountains to conduct a summer school to help promising young advocates hone skills to protect communities and the environment. This year’s summer school focused on protecting the climate.
“Climate change presents one of the most serious challenges to human civilization,” says Olena Kravchenko, EPL Executive Director. “It is our priority issue.”
Killian Doherty, ELAW Law Associate, traveled to the small village of Yablunytsya in the Ivano-Frankivsk region for this year’s summer school. He provided legal expertise and success stories from ELAW’s work around the world and presented on domestic climate change litigation in Australia, Austria, Colombia, Germany, India, the Netherlands, Pakistan, South Africa, and the U.S.
“The students came from all over Ukraine,” says Killian. “I learned a lot from them, as well as from EPL staff attorneys and scientists, and the other international trainers.”

EPL is strengthening laws to protect the climate in Ukraine. They collaborate with Ukraine’s Climate Working Group and participate in international climate change negotiations.
“EPL’s work to strengthen the rule of law in Ukraine is truly impressive,” says Killian. “The EPL team works tirelessly to improve and enforce the law and to protect the climate.”
Congratulations to Olena and the EPL team for empowering a new generation in Ukraine to protect the climate and build a greener future.

Maggie Keenan
Communications Director &
Fellows Program Coordinator

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